Do you think you need a bigger home? Have you considered that instead of a new home, you may just need to declutter? Here are 5 tips to help you get started on decluttering your home.

Pick one room to declutter at a time
Start small and pick one room at a time, otherwise it feels too daunting. If one room seems too big, just give yourself extra time to do it. You don’t have to declutter an entire room in one hour, one day or even one week. Instead, break it up — start with one section of a room or just one surface, like the top of the table.
Start with one thing per day
In any declutter event, you will have to decide what to do with your things. Pick one thing to give away, throw away or sell each day. I don’t know about you, but I have a ton of clothes in my closet and my drawers that I don’t wear. If all I did was get rid of one thing per day, I could still be doing this in 2022!
Keep it simple
Don’t start with the hardest room in the house or those items you are unsure of. If you know you have a bunch of things that you don’t use stashed away in the bedroom or hallway closet, start there! As you start to see the result, your momentum will build to keep you going!
Get the help of a friend to declutter
Sometimes, we find it hard to get rid of things since we tend to value them or think we will use them again. A trusted friend can help give you a second pair of eyes and an unbiased opinion on whether you should keep something or get rid of it. Find someone you trust and make a fun time out of it reminiscing along the way!
Have a place for everything
This can sometimes be challenging until you have made some space in your home (depending on how much clutter you have), but this is ultimately the key to keeping your home clutter free. You have an organizer for your forks, knives, and spoons and you wouldn’t put a knife in the fork section, right? So, implement something similar for your other areas in your home. Find a system that makes sense to you and works for you and stick with it. This is a habit – the more you do it, the more second nature it will become.
Where are you starting with your declutter project?